Collection & Distribution
The public relies on effective water distribution systems for its water supply, and water supply operators are constantly challenged to provide reliable, safe water. CTI's engineers have extensive expertise in providing the necessary components that make up functioning distribution systems, including hydraulic modeling, usage studies, pump and lift stations, ground and elevated storage tanks, wells, and waterlines.
Maintaining the integrity of wastewater collection systems is one of CTIs core businesses. Locating and eliminating sources of inflow and infiltration, providing sewer service to unincorporated areas, and ensuring proper sizing of collections systems translates to more effective treatment solutions and mitigated environmental threats.
River Crossings & Diffusers
SSES & I/I Evaluations
Sewer Modeling
GIS Mapping
Asset Management
Sewer Rehabilitation
Gravity & Pressure Collection Systems
Pump & Lift Stations
Hydraulic Modeling
Distribution & Storage
Water Source Development - Wells & Reservoirs
GIS Mapping
Facility & Master Planning
Water Loss Studies